Court Marriage Advocate Amjad Khan and Special Marriage Lawyer


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Court Marriage Advocate Amjad Khan and Special Marriage Lawyer

Court Marriage Advocate Amjad Khan and Special marriage lawyer is the best place for Court marriage, inter religion  Marriage , Marriage registration, Hindu Marriage, Muslim Marriage, Foreign Marriage, Sikh marriage registration and protection, Supported by a team of young , Smart and dynamic professionals. we always provide best service for our clients. our focus on best service for our clients. section 129 of the indian Evidence Act, 1872 provides  exclusive right to the advocate, whereby he has the right to secure the privacy of the communications done between him and his client. As per this section, no one can be threatened to disclose any communication done between him and his legal advisor until and unless he proposes himself as a witness in the court of law.

Watch vedio of court marriage as per spacial Marriage act in Delhi

Special Marriage Registration in  Delhi

How to perform marriage according special marriage rule

The Special Marriage Act is a law that allows individuals from different religions or castes to marry and register their marriage under the Act. Here are the steps to perform a marriage according to the Special Marriage Act:

Notice of Intended Marriage: The first step is to give notice of the intended marriage to the Marriage Officer of the district where at least one of the parties has resided for at least 30 days prior to giving notice. The notice should be in writing and signed by both parties and two witnesses.

Waiting period: After giving notice, there is a waiting period of 30 days during which the Marriage Officer will publish the notice at his office and invite objections to the marriage.

Objections: If any objections are raised during the waiting period, the Marriage Officer will conduct an inquiry and decide whether the marriage can proceed or not.

Declaration: After the waiting period and inquiry, both parties will have to appear before the Marriage Officer and declare that they are marrying voluntarily and without any coercion.

Marriage ceremony: The marriage ceremony can be performed in any form, provided it is solemnized in the presence of the Marriage Officer and three witnesses.

If you're planning to register for a special marriage in Delhi, you'll need to provide certain documents to the concerned authorities. Here is a list of documents that you'll need to submit:

Hindu Marriage Registration in Delhi

Procedure of hindu marriage and registration in Delhi.

According to the Hindu Marriage Act, we are telling you what is the procedure for getting married and registering the marriage, according to this act, the boy and the girl must be a Hindu Buddhist Sikh Lingayat, according to this act, all these people have their own marriage.  For marriage, the age of the boy should be 21 years and the age of the girl should be 18 years.  The mind should be such that they understand all the things for giving consent of marriage and both the parties do not come within any prohibited degree in which marriage does not take place and is not sapinda of each other First after fulfilling all these conditions  We will fulfill all the ceremonies and customs, in which seven rounds , mangalsutra, filling and wearing jaimala etc. come, according to the Hindu Marriage Act, after marriage, on the basis of this marriage, we can get our marriage registered from the marriage register office, for which  boy with girl's affidavit  10th certificate for birth proof, PAN card and two witnesses who have Aadhar card and PAN card, at the time of marriage registration, along with all the original documents, the marriage registrar office has to go along with the witness and complete all the actions there.  The Registrar will issue a certificate which will be the Certificate of Marriage ragistration


Registration: If the SDM is satisfied with the documents and the inquiry, the marriage will be registered and a certificate will be issued.

Muslim Marriage Registraton in Delhi

procedre of Muuslim Marriage And Muslum marriage registration.

Condition for Muslim Marriage. For Muslim marriage, the boy and the girl must be Muslim, for getting married, the boy must be 21 years old and the girl must be 18 years old. Boys and girls do not come under the prohibited degree. The mental condition of both should be such that the boy and the girl can give valid consent for marriage. Muslim marriages are done by performing nikah by the Qazi. After doing Muslim marriage, if the bride and groom want, they can get their marriage registered. To get the Muslim marriage registered in Delhi, we take care of some of the following things which I am describing to you below. To get the Muslim marriage registered, some documents like Aadhar card, PAN card, 10th certificate or any other proof of birth, besides three witnesses who have Aadhar card and PAN card are required. Affidavits of the bride and groom are prepared for marriage registration and uploaded online along with all documents get a date from marriage registrar office on that date along with all original documents have to go to marriage register office with witnesses And after completing whatever legal action is there, the marriage registrar registers the marriage.

Sikh Marriage Registration  in Delhi

Sikh marriages can now be registered under Anand Marriage Act the Anand Marriage Act will be registered with the Registrar under whose jurisdiction the marriage is solemnised or either the party resides. at the time of marriage the age of the boy should be 21 years and the age of the girl should be 18 years

Documents required 

Aadhar card, pan card, any birth proof as 10th certificate , birth certificate passport and passport  size photo  eeetc two witnesses with aadhar card and pan card

Inter Religion Marriage in Delhi

Note : Inter Religion Marriage and  procedure of Special Marriage are same Please read  above special marriage procedure.

Foreign Marriage Registration in Delhi

NOTE: Foreign Marriage and procedure of Special Marriage are Same Please Read above special marriage procedure

Civil Marriage In Delhi

NOTE: Civil Marriage and procedure of Special Marriage are Same Please Read above special marriage procedure

Arya Samaj Marriage in Delhi


An Act to recognise and remove doubts as to the validity of inter-marriages current among Arya Samajists.

WHEREAS it is expedient to recognise and place beyond doubt the validity of inter-marriages of a class of Hindus known as Arya Samajists; It is hereby enacted as follows:

1. Short title and extent.—(1) This Act may be called the Arya Marriage Validation Act, 1937.

[(2) It extends to the whole of India except ? [the territories which, immediately before the 1st November, 1956, were comprised in Part B States) and applies also to citizens of India wherever they may be.]

2. Marriage between Arya Samajists not to be invalid.—Notwithstanding any provision of Hindu Law, usage or custom to the contrary no marriage contracted whether before or after the commencement of this Act between two persons being at the time of the marriage Arya Samajists shall be invalid or shall be deemed over to have been invalid by reason only of the fact that the parties at any time belonged to different castes or different sub-castes of Hindus or that either or both of the parties at any time before the marriage belonged to a religion other than Hinduism.

Procedure of hindu marriage and registration in Delhi.According to the Hindu Marriage Act, we are telling you what is the procedure for getting married and registering the marriage, according to this act, the boy and the girl must be a Hindu Buddhist Sikh Lingayat, according to this act, all these people have their own marriage. For marriage, the age of the boy should be 21 years and the age of the girl should be 18 years. The mind should be such that they understand all the things for giving consent of marriage and both the parties do not come within any prohibited degree in which marriage does not take place and is not sapinda of each other First after fulfilling all these conditions We will fulfill all the ceremonies and customs, in which seven rounds , mangalsutra, filling and wearing jaimala etc. come, according to the Hindu Marriage Act, after marriage, on the basis of this marriage, we can get our marriage registeredfrom the marriage register office, for which boy with girl's affidavit 10th certificate for birth proof, PAN card and two witnesses who have Aadhar card and PAN card, at the time of marriage registration, along with all the original documents, the marriage registrar office has to go along with the witness and complete all the actions there. The Registrar will issue a certificate which will be the Certificate of Marriage ragistration.