procedre of Muuslim Marriage And Muslum marriage registration.

Condition for Muslim Marriage.  For Muslim marriage, the boy and the girl must be Muslim, for getting married, the boy must be 21 years old and the girl must be 18 years old.  Boys and girls do not come under the prohibited degree.  The mental condition of both should be such that the boy and the girl can give valid consent for marriage.  Muslim marriages are done by performing nikah by the Qazi.  After doing Muslim marriage, if the bride and groom want, they can get their marriage registered.  To get the Muslim marriage registered in Delhi, we take care of some of the following things which I am describing to you below.  To get the Muslim marriage registered, some documents like Aadhar card, PAN card, 10th certificate or any other proof of birth, besides three witnesses who have Aadhar card and PAN card are required.  Affidavits of the bride and groom are prepared for marriage registration and uploaded online along with all documents get a date from marriage registrar office on that date along with all original documents have to go to marriage register office with witnesses  And after completing whatever legal action is there, the marriage registrar registers the marriage.

Dcuments for muslim marriage  


I ___________________________________ son/daughter/wife of ______________________________         age ___________ years resident of ______________________________________________________hereby solemnly affirm and declare as under –  

1. That I am the Citizen of ____________________________________________________. 

2. That my date of birth is ____________________________________________________. 

3. That I am _____ years old and I am major according to the law at the time of marriage. 

4. That I belong to the _________religion. 

5. That I got married to _____________________________________________________  Son/Daughter of ________________________________________________________  Residence of ___________________________________________________________  on ____________ (Date of Marriage) at _______________________ (Place of marriage)  According to (Religion) rites and ceremonies. 

6. That I was unmarried till the time of marriage on ________________ (Date of Marriage) OR 

7. That I was divorced at the time of marriage on __________________ (Date of Marriage) OR 

8. I did not have any other living spouse at the time of marriage.                                                                                           OR/And  

9. That at the time of marriage I was not related to ___________________________ Son/Daughter of _____________________________ with the prohibited degree of relationship as per < Muslim marriage act.

 10. That no pressure or undue influence was practiced upon me for my said marriage. 

11. That all supporting documents are genuine and nothing has been concealed.           



 I, the above name deponent do hereby verify that the contents of aforesaid affidavit are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. No Part of it is false and nothing material has been concealed therefrom.  Verified at New Delhi on this ____________ day of _____ (month) _____ (year).  


Muslim Martiage certificate in Delhi


Question : what is the age of marriage of the Girl ?

Answer: Marriage Age of the Girl is 18 years.

Question: What is the age of Marriage of the Boy?

Answer : Marriage Age of the Boy is 21 Years.

Question: which Documents are required for Muslim marriage?

Answer: Aadhar card, pan card, 10th certificate or birth certificate or any birth proof documents, 10 passport size photo ànd three witnesses with Aadhar card and pan card

Q: What is Muslim marriage?

A: Muslim marriage is a legal contract between a man and a woman, conducted according to Islamic teachings, in which they agree to live as husband and wife.

Q: What are the requirements for a Muslim marriage?

A: The requirements for a Muslim marriage include the consent of both parties, the presence of witnesses, and the payment of a dowry (mahr) by the groom to the bride.

Q: Who can perform a Muslim marriage?

A: A Muslim marriage can be performed by an Islamic scholar, a judge, or any other person authorized by the government to perform marriages.

Q: What is the role of witnesses in a Muslim marriage?

A: The role of witnesses in a Muslim marriage is to attest to the fact that the marriage contract has been agreed to and signed by both parties.

Q: What is the significance of the dowry (mahr) in a Muslim marriage?

A: The dowry (mahr) is a gift from the groom to the bride that is agreed upon at the time of the marriage contract. It is considered to be the bride's right and is meant to provide her with financial security in case of divorce or widowhood.

Q: What is the Islamic view on forced marriages?

A: Forced marriages are not recognized in Islam. Both the bride and groom must give their free and informed consent for a marriage to be valid.

Q: Can a Muslim man marry a non-Muslim woman?

A: A Muslim man is allowed to marry a woman from the People of the Book (Jews and Christians), but it is generally discouraged to marry a woman who is not Muslim.

Q: Can a Muslim woman marry a non-Muslim man?

A: A Muslim woman is not allowed to marry a man who is not Muslim, except in some specific circumstances.

Q: What is the Islamic view on divorce?

A: Divorce is allowed in Islam, but it is considered a last resort. The couple is encouraged to try to resolve their differences and work towards reconciliation before seeking a divorce.

Q: What are the rights of a wife in a Muslim marriage?

A: In a Muslim marriage, the wife has the right to be treated with kindness and respect, to be provided with financial support, and to be given the freedom to practice her religion and pursue her own interests.