Hindu marriage registration in Delhi

Hindu Marriage Registration in Delhi Applicatio form 

Marriage form.pdf

Affadavit performa for marriage registration


Hindu Marriage registration in Delhi

Procedure of hindu marriage and registration in Delhi.

According to the Hindu Marriage Act, we are telling you what is the procedure for getting married and registering the marriage, according to this act, the boy and the girl must be a Hindu Buddhist Sikh Lingayat, according to this act, all these people have their own marriage.  For marriage, the age of the boy should be 21 years and the age of the girl should be 18 years.  The mind should be such that they understand all the things for giving consent of marriage and both the parties do not come within any prohibited degree in which marriage does not take place and is not sapinda of each other First after fulfilling all these conditions  We will fulfill all the ceremonies and customs, in which seven rounds , mangalsutra, filling and wearing jaimala etc. come, according to the Hindu Marriage Act, after marriage, on the basis of this marriage, we can get our marriage registered from the marriage register office, for which  boy with girl's affidavit  10th certificate for birth proof, PAN card and two witnesses who have Aadhar card and PAN card, at the time of marriage registration, along with all the original documents, the marriage registrar office has to go along with the witness and complete all the actions there.  The Registrar will issue a certificate which will be the Certificate of Marriage ragistration


Aplication form in the prescribed format with the prescribed fee.

Aadhar Card of bride and groom. 

Pan card of bride and groom 

 one marriage photo of bride and groom 

Four passport size photograph of bride and groom 

two witnesses with Aadhar card and pan card


Death certificate or divorce decree whichever is applicable, in case one of the parties had any marriages in the past

Hindu marriage photo

Hindu marriage photo of bride and groom.

Watch vedio for hindu marriage.