procedure of inter religion marriage

Procedure for inter relegion marriage in Delhi.

Inter-religion marriage can be done by boys and girls of the same religion and boys and girls of different religions. For inter-religion marriage, the age of the boy should be 21 years and the age of the girl should be 18 years. To do Inter religion Marriage, first of all the affidavits of the boy and the girl are prepared. Some documents like Aadhar card for address proof, 10th certificate or birth certificate for birth proof and in addition PAN card is required as well as three witnesses who have their Aadhar card and PAN card Witness age is less than 18 years This witness should not be from the family of the boy and the girl, or can be friends or friends. After that a notice of intent marriage will be given to the SDM, after which the marriage will be completed after 30 days. The boy and the girl will have to appear twice in the SDM office and complete the process there. When the boy and the girl will appear in the SDM office, it is necessary to have all the original documents together as well as three witnesses who have Aadhar card and PAN card.

More information call ph. +918077677734

Documents For inter religion Marriage in Delhi.

1. Aadhar card

2. Birth proof

3. pan card

4. four pasport size photo

5. three witnesses with Aadhar card and pan card.

More information call ph. +918077677734

Affadavit for inter religion marriage in Delhi


I, A s/o B and c R/O H.No -----------I do hereby take oath solemnly affirm and declare as under:-

1. That I have attained the age of majority and my date of birth is (03/07/1993).

2. That I am unmarried.

3. That I am a citizen of India.

4. That I am Muslim by birth.

5. That I am a Business man.

6. That I am intend to marriage of own free will and choice and without duress or force from any corner whatsoever.

7. That after solemnization of the marriage with she will be my legally wedded wife and I will fulfill my duties as a devoted and faithful husband towered her and will provide her food with,lodging and other necessities of her according to my resources.

8 . That at the time of marriage I was not related twith prohibited degree of relationship as per Special Marriage Act 1954.

9 . That I do not have spouse living.

10. That I am capable of giving valid consent and of sound mind, not suffering from any mental disorder/insanity.

11. That it is my true and correct statement.


Verification :

Verified at New Delhi on ………………………………………………., that the contents of this affidavit are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and nothing has been concealed therein.



I, A D/o B and c r/o house no. ------ hreby take oath solemnly affirm and declare as under:-

1. That I have attained the age of majority and my date of birth is (24/07/1994).

2. That I am unmarried.

3. That I am a citizen of India.

4. that I am Hindu by birth.

5. That I am not employed.

6. That I am intend to marry with of own free will and choice and without duress or force from any corner whatsoever

7. That after solemnization of the marriage with ,Re will be my legally wedded husband and I will fulfill my duties as a devoted and faithful wife towered him.

8 . That at the time of marriage I was not related to R

with prohibited degree of relationship as per Special Marriage Act 1954.

9 . That I do not have spouse living.

10. that I am capable of giving valid consent and of sound mind, not suffering from any mental disorder/insanity.

11. that it is my true and correct statement.


Verification :

Verified at New Delhi on ………………………………………………., that the contents of this affidavit are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and nothing has been concealed therein.

More information call ph. +918077677734

Notice of intended Marriage

Notice of intended Marriage.pdf